Printronix PrintNet Enterprise User Manual
Page 35

Figure 16. Preferences: Macro Settings Tab – Serial Sub-Tab
Serial Sub-Tab
The baud rate at which data transfers. This setting must match the
speed of the printer host serial port under the SERIAL PORT menu (thermal
printers) or the SERIAL submenu in the HOST INTERFACE menu (all other
printer models). See “Serial Port” (thermal) or “Host Interface” (all others) in
User’s Manual
Word Size:
The number of data bits per character. In most cases this should
be set to 8.
Stop Bits:
Inter-character gap. Can be set to 1 or 2. The normal setting is 1.
Adds an error checking bit if set to Odd or Even. The default is None.
Other settings include Mark and Space.
Flow Control:
Prevents data overrun by adjusting the sending side according
to the needs of the receiving side.
No adjustment occurs.
Rts/Cts in:
Hardware flow control on serial-input.
Rts/Cts out:
Hardware flow control on serial-output.
Xon/Xoff in:
Software flow control on serial-input using the X-on and
X-off control characters.
Xon/Xoff out:
Software flow control on serial-output using the X-on and
X-off control characters.