Insert Variable attribute, 167
Installation, 11
Introduction, GPIO Manager, 209
IP addresses, web access, changing, 131
Job Capture, 124
Capture, 126
File, 125
Options, 128
Search, 125
Triggers, 127
View, 126
KDC sub-tab, 141
Credentials, 143
KDC, 141
Print Server, 140
Set Password, 142
Known Printers Discovery, 47
Label data fields, 306
Label fields, 310
Lease Time on Printer Connection, 30
Linux font configuration file, 315
Lock/Unlock Menus, 152
Login to the PNE web site, 129
Macro Settings tab, Preferences, 33
Macro Utility, 146
Making changes on the menu tree, 73
applicator example, 262
examples, 261
indicator light example, 261
protected printer example, 263
Mapping Tables, download, 259
Match attribute, 166
Media Profiler, 105
Menu Bar, factory settings differences, 83
Menu bar, printer database
Applications, 42
Edit, 36
File, 28
Help, 57
Status, 43
Utilities, 56
View, 38
Menu Editor, 74
Menu tree, 72
Menus, 212
Migration, 78
CST Off, 164
CST On, 164
Flush, 163
Insert, 163
PAA Event, 165
Remove, 163
Replace, 163
Reset, 164
Reset All Variables, 165
Response, 165
Select CST, 164
Skip GFX, 164
Store, 165
Transparent, 164
Multiple Actions, 239
Naming configurations, 74
Network sub-tab, 34, 67
New Gateway, 150
New IP Address, 150
New Mask, 150
NIC, 11
ODV, 281
ODV Quality Wizard, 122
ON Flag, 240
configuration file, 77
database file, 28