Panel selected label printing – Printronix PrintNet Enterprise User Manual
Page 264

Panel Selected Label Printing
Imagine that the requirement is to print one of three labels without host
intervention. To do this, the operator needs to have a selection mechanism at
the printer.
For this application, store the three labels (PGL files) in the printer. The three
labels named label_1, label_2, and label_3 sit in the printer waiting for the
~EXECUTE command.
The mapping table in Figure 233 disables the Menu and Enter keys,
reassigns the Feed function to the Down key, and the – key as the original
Feed key. The + key sends the following data streams to the host via the
serial port:
the – key sends ~EXECUTE;Label_1;1
the Feed key sends ~EXECUTE;Label_2;1
the + key sends ~EXECUTE;Label_3;1
For more information, refer to the
PGL Programmer’s Reference Manual
The mapping also creates the possibility of changing this modified printer into
a normal one by plugging in the special connector from the Protected Printer
example on page 263.
Figure 233. Panel Selected Label Printing Mapping Table
When port switching is enabled, the serial port is the only port with which the
printer can communicate to itself. To make the printer communicate to itself a
special serial connector is required that connects the transmit data output to
the receive data input. When one of the three operator panel buttons is
pressed, the printer receives a message through the serial port sent out of
that serial port by the same printer.
The serial connector in 25 pin and 9 pin is displayed in Figure 234.