8 remote selection of fixed value output – Toshiba Tohsiba Electromagnetic Flowmeter Converter L5232 User Manual

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Remote Selection of Fixed Value Output

4 to 20mA output and pulse output can be set to a fixed preset value using a remote signal input.
Proceed as follows to use this function.

Fixed Output Value Setting

• Follow the procedure in 8.4 “Fixed Value Output (Loop Check)” and set the

current output value and pulse output value to be used at the time of fixed output.
Set OFF for fixed output switching.
If the pulse output is not used, it is not necessary to set the pulse output value.

DI Setting

• Follow the procedure in 8.2.14 “Digital I/O Function” to set the Digital Input (DI)

to use it as fixed output mode control signal.

Signal input condition

External signal input

4 to 20mA and pulse output

L level input

Measured value is output.

H level input

Fixed preset value is output.