Samsung S3F401F User Manual

Page 254

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UART Data Register (Continued)

UARTDR (0x000)

Access: Read/Write

OE_DR Overrun


0 = No overrun error during receive
1 = Overrun error(Interrupt is requested)

1: if data is received and the receive FIFO is already full. This is cleared to 0 once there is an
empty space in the FIFO and a new character can be written to it.

This bit is automatically set to ‘1’ whenever frame, parity, break and overrun errors occur during receive operation.


You must disable the UART before any of the control registers are reprogrammed. When the UART is
disabled in the middle of transmission or reception, it completes the current character before stopping.


For Words to be Transmitted


data written to this location is pushed onto the transmit FIFO


data is stored in the transmitter holding register (the bottom word of the transmit FIFO)

The write operation initiates transmission from the UART. The data is prefixed with a start bit, appended with the
appropriate parity bit (if parity is enabled), and a stop bit. The resultant word is then transmitted.


For Received Words


The data byte and the 4-bit status(break, frame, parity, and overrun) is pushed onto the
12-bit wide receive FIFO


The data byte and status are stored in the receiving holding register (the bottom
word of the receive FIFO).

The received data byte is read by performing reads from the UARTDR register along with the corresponding
status information. The status information can also be read by a read of the UARTRSR/UARTECR register.