KORG PA4X 76 User Manual
Page 850

846| Audio In/Out and the Voice Processor
make them cut through a group of instruments and thus make a larger im-
pression on the listener. The Shape feature, used at moderate settings, emu-
lates this sound through the average microphone and amplification system.
When making Shape adjustments, it’s important to sing while listening to
the amplification system your audience will hear rather than only judging by
your monitor sound.
Use the
knob to adjust the level after using the
Use the
knob to return a narrow band of low frequencies for sing-
ers who prefer this sound. The majority of the ‘mud’ frequencies are still
reduced automatically when using this control.
Programming the traditional EQ
is off, you can use traditional manual Parametric EQ controls.
There are three EQ bands:
Low band shelving
All band fully parametric peak/dip control
High band shelving
The two Shelving EQs boost or cut all frequencies below or above the fre-
quencies set by the Low and High controls respectively. These are most like
the common Bass and Treble controls on a stereo system.
The Parametric EQ boosts or cuts the frequencies within a selected band
that is defined by a center frequency (lower Mid knob) and a width control
(center Mid knob). For vocals, the gain of a narrow parametric band is typi-
cally reduced to overcome room or voice resonances and smooth the sound
although experienced users may boost a band felt to be missing in a particu-
lar voice as well.
The three Gain (upper) controls allow +/-12 dB of adjustment. The three
Frequency (lower) controls range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.