KORG D16 User Manual

KORG Musical Instruments

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Burning Audio CDs – D12, D1200 (mkII), D16 and D1600(mkII)

The D12, D16 and D1600 allow the user to create a standard audio CD using an external SCSI
CDR/RW burner or, in the case of the D12, D1200 and D1600, an optional internal CDR/RW burner.
The D-series recorders burn the data that is currently on tracks 1 and 2, so that means if one wishes
to burn an entire mix, it would have to be first bounced to those two tracks.

“But what if I already have data on tracks 1 and 2?” The good news is that the entire mix (including
the data that’s already on tracks 1 & 2) can be recorded or “bounced” without losing tracks 1 and 2.
This info is simply merged together. This tutorial explains how to bounce the tracks and burn an
audio CD.

First, we’ll bounce the mix down to Tracks 1 & 2:


Set up your mix. Adjust the faders, pan pots, effects and scenes.


Press the RECORD button (the square one just right of the screen) so that the screen displays the
Record Mode.


Using the cursor buttons, highlight “Bounce” and press the ENTER button.


Press the RECORD button to enter the Bounce Mode.


Using the cursor buttons once again, highlight “16Tr Æ 2Tr” (or “12Tr

→2Tr in D12”) and press the

ENTER button.


Cursor down to Record Virtual Track and select a virtual track to record on. For this tutorial we will
select virtual track h.


Put tracks 1 & 2 into record ready mode (LEDs are red).


Press the METER/TRACK VIEW button, to monitor the signals. The level of the L/R Master will
mirror what’s going into tracks 1& 2.


Rewind to the start of your song and press the REC and PLAY to record the whole song. When
done press stop.


Upon completion, press the TRACK button to enter the Vtr1-8 (Vtr1-6 on the D12) screen.


Using the cursor button highlight 1a then using the value wheel, select virtual track 1h. Do the same
for track 2a (set to 2h).


Set the pan pots for tracks 1 & 2 left and right respectively, and set the faders to unity (0dB).


Repeat steps 1-12 for every song that you wish to put to CD.

Now we’re ready to burn tracks 1 and 2 to CD. Set Scene Read to OFF at this point, so that tracks 1
and 2 cannot be manipulated as they were when they were single tracks. If you have not already done
so, insert a blank CDR into the drive and allow it to ‘spin up’ completely, then:


Press the SONG/CD button until you reach the Song Select screen. Note, the song you select on this
screen is the one that will be burned to the CD.


Press the SONG/CD button (on the D16 the SONG button) three times to enter the CDR/RW

This manual is related to the following products: