Scpi command overview, Syntax, Symbol description – RIGOL DSG3000 Series User Manual

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Chapter 1

Programming Overview


DSG3000 Programming Guide

SCPI Command Overview

SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) is standardized instrument programming

language that is based on the standard IEEE488.1 and IEEE488.2 and conforms to various standards (such

as the floating point operation rule in IEEE754 standard, ISO646 7-bit coded character for information

interchange (equivalent to ASCll programming). This chapter describes the syntax, symbol, parameter and

abbreviation rules of the SCPI commands.


SCPI commands present a hierarchical tree structure and have multiple sub-systems, each of which

contains a root keyword and one or more sub-keywords. The command string usually begins with ":"; the

keywords are separted by ":" and are followed by the parameter settings available; "?" is added at the end

of the command string to indicate query; space is used to separate the command and parameter.

For example,



SYSTem is the root keyword of the command above. COMMunication, LAN, IP and ADDress are the

second-level, third-level, forth-level and fifth-level keywords separately. The command string begins with

":" which is also used to separate the multi-level keywords. denotes the parameter available for

setting. "?" denotes query and DSG3000 returns the response information (the output value or internal

setting value of the instrument) when recieving a query command. The

command :SYSTem:COMMunication:LAN:IP:ADDress and prarameter are separated by a space.

"," is generally used for separating different parameters contained in the same command, for example,

[:SOURce]:SWEep:LIST:ADDList ,,

Symbol Description

The following four symbols are not the content of SCPI commands but are usually used to describe the

parameters in the commands.

1. Braces { }

Multiple optional parameters are enclosed in the braces and one of the parameters must be selected

when sending the command.

2. Vertical Bar |

The vartical bar is used to separate multiple parameters. When you send a command, one of the

parameters should be selected. For example, :SYSTem:LANGuage CHINese|ENGLish.

3. Square Brackets [ ]

The content (such as keywords) enclosed in the square brackets could be omitted. If the content is

omitted, the instrument would set it to the default. For example, [:SOURce]:PHASe:STEP[:INCRement]?

Sending any of the four commands below can generate the same effect.





4. Triangle Brackets < >

The parameter enclosed in the triangle brackets must be replaced by an effective value. For example,

send the [:SOURce]:FREQuency command in :FREQuency 4MHz form.