Yaskawa iQpump Controller Programming Manual User Manual

Page 91

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YASKAWA TM.iQp.07 iQpump Controller Programming Manual


Refer to parameter H3-10 in Appendix A for description details.

H3-11 Terminal A2 Bias Setting

Setting Range:

-100.0% ~ +100.0%

Factory Default: 0.0%

Parameters H3-10 and H3-11 perform the same function for the A2 analog input that parameters H3-02 and H3-03 perform for the A1
analog input. Please refer to the parameter description for H3-02 and H3-03 for information about H3-10 and H3-11.

These parameters could be used for final calibration of a factory or field installed pressure to electric transducer input connected to
terminal A2 and AC. This field calibration may be needed if there is a job site variation from the typical 3 to 15 psi g pneumatic signal
input range.