Yaskawa iQpump Controller Programming Manual User Manual
Page 79

YASKAWA TM.iQp.07 iQpump Controller Programming Manual
Function: Option Reference (Setting: 9)
When an output is configured as an Option Reference output, the output will close to show that the speed command is being sourced from
the digital operator. If the Option Reference output is open, it indicates the speed command is coming from the control circuit terminals
or an optional communications card.
Function: Remote / Auto Operation (Setting: A)
When an output is configured as a Remote Operation output, the output will close to show that the Run command is being sourced from
the digital operator. If the Remote Operation output is open, it indicates the Run command is coming from the control circuit terminals or
an optional communications card.
Function: Trq Det 1 N.O. (Setting: B)
The Trq Det 1 function ties a digital output to the overtorque / undertorque sensing capabilities of the drive. If a digital output is
configured as Trq Det 1 N.O., whenever the output current differs from the level of L6-02 for at least the length of time set in L6-03, the
digital output will close.
The torque detection function has a built-in hysteresis of 10% of the iQpump drive rated output current.
Figure 1.66
Figure 66. Trq Det 1 N.O. Timing Diagram
Function: Loss of Reference (Setting: C)
The Loss of Reference configured digital output will close when the iQpump drive has detected a loss of the analog speed command. The
speed command is considered lost when the voltage level drops 90% in 0.4 seconds. Parameter L4-05 determines the drive’s reaction to a
loss of reference state in addition to turning on the Loss of Reference digital output.
The Loss of Reference digital output will only initiate if the iQpump drive is configured for the speed command to be via one of the
analog inputs (A1 or A2).
Figure 1.67
Figure 67. Loss of Reference Function Characteristics
Function: Fault (Setting: E)
The Fault configured digital output will close whenever the iQpump drive experiences a major fault with the exception of the CPF00 and
CPF01 (Digital Operator Communications Faults).
Function: Not Used (Setting: F)
The Not Used setting can be used to disable the digital output.
L6-01 = 5,6,7, or 8
L6-02 = TD Level 1
L6-03 = TD Delay Time 1
b = 10% of Drive rated current
Undertorque Detection
Output Current
ON (Closed)
OFF (Open)
Speed Command
T = 400ms
Loss of
ON (Closed)
OFF (Open)