Yaskawa iQpump Controller Programming Manual User Manual
Page 83

YASKAWA TM.iQp.07 iQpump Controller Programming Manual
Function: Low Feedback (Setting: 49)
Closed: During a Low FB / Water” Fault - OR -
Closed: During a “Low Feedback” Alarm.
Function: Transducer Loss (Setting: 4A)
Closed: Feedback Loss has been detected (configured by b5-12 ~ b5-14) - OR -.
Closed: Feedback Loss has been detected on A1 (dual-zone PI) - OR -
Closed: During a “FBL - Feedback Loss Fault”.
Function: Setpoint Not Met (Setting: 4B)
Closed: During an “NMS - Setpoint Not Met” Fault - OR -
Closed: Feedback level is outside of the P1-11 window. (P1-12 delay is not applied.)
Note: If P1-11 is set to zero, this digital output will always be open.
Function: Loss of Prime (Setting: 4C)
Closed: During an “LOP - Loss Of Prime” Fault - OR -
Closed: Output current is below the P1-14 level.
Note: If P1-14 is set to zero, this digital output will always be open.
Function: Thermostat Fault (Setting: 4D)
Closed: Thermostat Fault is present.
Function: Low Flow (Setting: 4E)
Closed: During the “Low Flow Fault” condition - OR -
Closed: During a low flow condition as set by P6-04 ~ P6-06 (includes “Low Flow Alarm”).
Function: Accum Level (Setting: 4F)
Closed: Accumulated level has exceeded the P6-098 and P6-10 setting. - OR -
Closed: During the “Accum Level” Fault.
Function: Utility Delay (Setting:50)
Closed: Drive is stopped and is waiting for the utility delay timer to expire. (Configured by P4-11.)
Function: Run / Stop - Stop (Setting: 51)
Closed: Drive is stopped due to the Run / Stop control (and P4-19). - OR -
Closed: Drive is stopped because the number of Run / Stop cycles has completed. (P4-20)
Function: Run / Stop Finish (Setting: 52)
Closed: Drive is stopped because the number of Run / Stop cycles has completed. (P4-20)
Function: Anti-Jam / De-Scale (Setting: 53)
Closed: When the Anti-Jam or the De-Scale features are active. (Configured by P7-xx)
Function: During Run 2 (Setting: 54)
Closed: Whenever the drive is outputting voltage to the motor (not base-blocked).