AMETEK BPS Series Programming Manual User Manual
Page 60

AMETEK Programmable Power
BPS / MX / RS Series SCPI Programming Manual
Manual P/N 7003-961 Rev AA
Voltage Array Data
Phase Selectable
These queries return an array containing the instantaneous output voltage in volts. The data
returned in arbitrary block data format as follows:
where b0,b1,b2,b3 are four hex bytes represent IEEE single precision floating number,
where bo is the most significant byte and b3 is the least significant byte.
The output voltage and current are digitized whenever a measure command is given or
whenever an acquire trigger occurs. The time interval between samples is:
MX Series I:
25.6 microseconds for single-phase mode and 76.8 microseconds for three-
phase mode.
MX/RS Series II: 10.4 microseconds for single-phase mode and 31.2 microseconds for
three-phase mode.
The query SENSe:SWEep:TINTerval? will return the time interval, the position of the trigger
relative to the beginning of the data buffer is determined by SENSe:SWEep:OFFSet.
Query Syntax
MEASure:ARRay:VOLTage[:DC]? [
FETCh:ARRay:VOLTage[:DC]? [
Optional block and offset parameters
from 1 to 16, offset is from 0 to 15.
Returned Parameters
4096 data points in arbitrary block data format
Related Commands
MEASure:ARRay:VOLTage:HARMonic? [
FETCh:ARRay:VOLTage:HARMonic? [
Phase Selectable
These queries return an array of harmonic amplitudes of output voltage in rms volts. The first
value returned is the dc component, the second value is the fundamental frequency, and so
on up to the 50th harmonic. Harmonic orders can be measured up to the fundamental
measurement bandwidth of the measurement system:
MX Series I:
25.6 microseconds for single-phase mode and 76.8 microseconds for three-
phase mode.
MX/RS Series II: 10.4 microseconds for single-phase mode and 31.2 microseconds for
three-phase mode.
Thus, the maximum harmonic that can be measured is dependent on the output frequency.
Any harmonics that represent frequencies greater than above frequencies are returned as 0.