AMETEK BPS Series Programming Manual User Manual
Page 52

AMETEK Programmable Power
BPS / MX / RS Series SCPI Programming Manual
Manual P/N 7003-961 Rev AA
This command sets the character string that is displayed when the display mode is set to
TEXT. The argument is a quoted string limited to upper case alpha characters and numbers.
The display is capable of showing up to 320 characters divided over 8 lines of 40 characters
each. If the string exceeds the display capacity, it will be truncated.
Command Syntax
Parameters string> *RST Value null string Examples DISP:TEXT "DO TEST1” Query Syntax DISPlay[:WINDow]:TEXT? Returned Parameters Related Commands DISP DISP:MODE DISPlay:LOCation This command sets the display pointer to a specific row and column address. Any text send Command Syntax DISPlay[:WINDow]:TEXT:LOCation Parameters *RST Value n/a Examples DISP:TEXT:LOC 2,1 Query Syntax n/a Related Commands DISP:MODE DISP:TEXT
with the DISP:TEXT command will be placed at this location on the display. This command
takes two numeric parameters, row and column. The row range is from 1 through 8, the
column range is from 1 to 40. Thus, the first character position is at 1,1, the last one is at
8,40. If a string is send that is longer than the remaining column positions on a row, it will be