Figure 8-7, Spec save specification menu – Adept s650H Quattro User Manual
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Replacing a Platform
Adept Quattro s650 Robot User’s Guide, Rev B
To use the Save ALL specifications to system disk option:
1. Select the Save ALL specifications to system disk option from the menu and then
press ENTER. The following screen is displayed.
Figure 8-7. SPEC Save Specification Menu
2. At the prompt, press Y followed by the Enter key to initiate the process for
writing the data to the boot disk (the data will not actually be written until later in
the process).
Otherwise, press N followed by the Enter key to cancel and return to the menu.
3. Enter the drive letter at the prompt, followed by the Enter key.
You are prompted for permission to write the data to the V+ system on the
selected drive.
4. At the prompt, press Y followed by the Enter key to write the data. To cancel,
press N followed by the Enter key.
If Y is selected, the data is written to the system disk.
When complete, you can clear the SPEC program from memory with the following
kill 1
deletem a.spec