EVCO EPU2LXP1CH Installer manual User Manual
Page 72

c-pro 3 micro CHIL | Application manual ver. 1.0 | Codice 144CP3CHE104
page 72 of 120
Free-Cooling control valve
In a case where the valve is of the ON/OFF type, the activation control will follow the consensus step on Set Point FC, with
PS08hysteris, described earlier.
In order to enable the operation of the ON/OFF valve, it is necessary to set the associated digital output.
Alternatively, it is possible to have a 0-10V three-way modulating valveto allow the mixing of the water entering the evaporator for
combined free-cooling action.
In this case, the valve is controlled proportionately from the consensus step until the threshold of maximum opening of the valve,
corresponding to a percentage of the FC band
To enable the operation of the valve, it is necessary to set the associated analog output as well.
Temp. Acqua Ingresso
Set Point FC
0 V
10 V