EVCO EVX215N7 User Manual
Evx series

Evco S.p.A. • Code 104X201E314 • page 1/8
EVX Series
Digital Controllers for Static and Ventilated Refrigeration Display Cabinets
version 3.02
Carefully read these instructions before installing and using the product. Pay close attention to the notes on installation and electrical wiring
connections; save these instructions together with the instrument for future reference.
The instrument must be disposed of in accordance with local laws on the collection of electrical and electronic equipment.
The dimensions are expressed in mm (in).
Operating Statuses:
• “on” status (the instrument is powered and on: the regulators can be
switched on)
• “stand-by” status (the instrument is powered but is switched off via
software: the regulators are switched off; the possibility to manually
switch on/switch off the cell light or auxiliary output depends on
parameter u2)
• “off” status (the instrument is not powered).
Hereafter, with the word “start-up” means the passage from stand-by
status to on status; the word “shutdown” means the passage from on
status to stand-by status.
When th e power is switched back on, the instrument displays the
status that it was in at the time it was disconnected.
Manual switching on/off of the instrument
• make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no other opera-
tion is in progress
• press and hold down the ON/STAND-BY key for 2 sec: the on/
stand-by LED will switch off/on.
For EVX204, EVX214, EVX205 and EVX215:
Using the multifunction input it is possible to remotely switch on/off
the instrument.
The display
If the instrument is switched on, during normal operation, the display
will show the cell temperature, except during defrosting, when the
instrument will show the temperature established with parameter d6.
If the instrument is switched off, the display will be switched off.
Evaporator temperature display (but EVX201)
• make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no other opera-
tion is in progress
• press down the DOWN key for 1 sec: the display will show the first
available label
• press and release the UP or the DOWN key to select “Pb2”
• press and release the SET key.
To exit the procedure:
• press and release the SET key and do not operate for 60 sec
• press and release the UP key and the DOWN key until the display
shows the cell temperature and then do not operate for 60 sec.
• press and release the ON/STAND-BY key.
If the evaporator probe is absent (parameter P3 = 0), the label “Pb2”
will not be displayed.
Condenser temperature display (EVX204, EVX214,
EVX205 and EVX215 only)
• make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no other opera-
tion is in progress
• press down the DOWN key for 1 sec: the display will show the first
label available
• press and release the UP key or the DOWN key to select “Pb3”
• press and release the SET key.
To exit the procedure:
• press and release the SET key and then do not operate for 60 sec
• press and release the UP or DOWN key until the display shows the
cell temperature and then do not operate for 60 sec.
• press and release the ON/STAND-BY key.
If the condenser probe is absent (parameter P4 = 0), the label “Pb3”
will not be displayed.
Activation/disactivation of Overcooling function
• make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no other opera-
tion is in progress, that defrosting and/or dripping is not in progress
and that the evaporator fan is off (the last two but EVX201)
• press and hold down the UP key for 4 sec: the Overcooling LED will
light up.
During the Overcooling function the working setpoint is reduced by
the temperature established with parameter r5; the operation lasts for
the amount of time established with parameter r6. During Overcooling
defrosting is never activated; if the defrosting interval expires when the
function is in progress, defrosting will be activated at the end of the
Manual Activation of Defrosting
• make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no other opera-
tion is in progress; ensure that the Overcooling function is not in
• press and hold down the DEFROSTING key for 4 sec.
For EVX203, EVX204, EVX214, EVX205 and EVX215:
If the evaporator probe function is that of the defrosting probe (param-
eter P3=1) and upon activation of defrosting, the temperature of the
evaporator is higher than that established with parameter d2, the
defrosting function will not be activated.
Operation for low or high percentage of relative
humidity (but EVX201 and provided parameter F0 is
set to 5)
During operation for low percentage of relative humidity, the evapo-
rator ventilator will be switched on if the compressor is switched off
(parameter F4 determines the amount of time it is switched off while
parameter F5 determines the amount of time it is switched on).
During operation for a high percentage of relative humidity the evapo-
rator fan is always on.
EVX is a new range of digital controllers for the operation of static and
ventilated refrigerating cabinets.
The series is composed of the following models:
• EVX201 - for the operation of static refrigerated cabinets, with simple
HACCP function
• EVX203, EVX204 and EVX205 - for the operation of ventilated refrig-
erated cabinets, with simple HACCP function
• EVX214 and EVX215 - for the operation of ventilated refrigerated
cabinets, with timer, advanced HACCP function and an Energy Sav-
ing function.
EVX201 is equipped with:
• 1 measurement input (cell probe) for NTC probes
• 1 digital input (door microswitch)
• 1digital output (relay) for compressor operation
(16 A @ 250 VAC); defrosting occurs when the compressor is stopped.
EVX203 is equipped with:
• 2 measurement inputs (cell probe and evaportor probe) for NTC
• 1 digital input (door microswitch)
• 3 digital outputs (relay) for compressor operation
(16 A @ 250 VAC), defrosting and the evaporator fan; defrosting may
be either electrical or by hot gas.
EVX204 and EVX205 are equipped with:
• 3 measure inputs (cell probe, evaporator probe and condenser
probe) for NTC probes
• 2 digital inputs (door microswitch and multifunction)
• 4 digital outputs (relay, 5 for EVX205) for operation of the compres-
sor (30 A @ 250 VAC), defroster, the evaporator fan, a fourth and a
fifth use (programmable as cell light, demister resistor, auxiliary out-
put, output alarm, door resistor, evaporator valve or condenser fan);
defrosting may be electric or by hot gas.
EVX214 and EVX215 are equipped with:
• Real Time Clock
• 3 measure inputs (cell probe, evaporator probe and condenser
probe) for NTC probes
• 2 digital inputs (door microswitch and multifunction)
• 4 digital outputs (relay, 5 for EVX215) for operation of the compres-
sor (30 A @ 250 VAC), defroster, the evaporator fan, a fourth and a
fifth use (programmable as cell light, demister resistor, auxiliary out-
put, output alarm, door resistor, evaporator valve or condenser fan);
defrosting may be electric or by hot gas.
The models are open (without covers); the user interface consists of a
4 digit custom display (with decimal points and functional icons) and
by six buttons (SET, UP, DOWN, DEFROST, AUXILIARY and
Installation is completed via back panel using M3 studs.
Using the EVKEY programming key (to be ordered separately) it is
possible to carry out the uploading and downloading of the configu-
ration parameters; it is also possible to connect the controllers RICS
supervision system (via serial interface, via TTL, with MODBUS com-
munications protocol).
Back panel installation using M3 studs.
Installation notes
• make sure that the working conditions (operating tempera-
ture, humidity, etc.) fall within the limits inidcated in the tech-
nical specifications
• do not install the device near heat sources (resistors, hot air
ducts, ect.), near devices with strong magneti (large diffu-
sors etc.) and places subject to direct sunlight, rain, humidity,
excessive dust, mechanical vibrations or shaking
• in accordance with laws on safety, protection against possi-
ble contact with electrical parts must be ensured via the cor-
rect installation of the instrument; all the parts that ensure
such protection must be secured in such a way that they
cannot be removed without the using a special tool.
Preliminary signals
The user interface consists of a custom 4-digit display (with decimal
points and function icons) and six keys (SET, UP, DOWN, DEFROST,