4 commissioning with the »engineer, Commissioning with the »engineer, Preconditions for commissioning with the »engineer – Lenze 8400 BaseLine D User Manual
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Commissioning with the »Engineer«
Lenze · 8400 BaseLine D · Reference manual · DMS 5.5 EN · 01/2014 · TD05
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Commissioning with the »Engineer«
Commissioning with the »Engineer« is suited for every drive task and in particular for drive tasks
with more demanding requirements/more comprehensive parameter setting.
In the following, commissioning of the controller is described step by step. Please process the chap-
ters consecutively and execute all steps carefully. This procedure will help you to commission the
controller quickly and as safe as possible:
Preconditions for commissioning with the »Engineer«
Creating an »Engineer« project & going online
Parameterise drive/application
Save parameter settings safe against mains failure
Enable controller and select speed
Preconditions for commissioning with the »Engineer«
For commissioning, you need
• a PC that satisfies the following requirements:
• processor with 1.4 GHz or higher
• at least 512 MB RAM and 650 MB free hard disc space
• Microsoft® Windows® 2000 operating system (from service pack 2 onwards) or
Windows® XP
• the Lenze »Engineer« PC software
• a connection to the controller, e.g. via USB diagnostic adapter:
• Connect the USB diagnostic adapter to the diagnostic interface X6.
• Connect the USB diagnostic adapter to the PC via a free USB port.
How to obtain/update the L-force »Engineer« software:
• Download from the Internet:
The full version of the »Engineer StateLevel« is provided free of charge. Current software
can be found on the Internet in the "Services & Downloads" area under
• Requesting the CD
You can also request the L-force »Engineer« separately on CD free of charge at your Lenze
representative. See the "About Lenze" area on our homepage for e.g. the corresponding
German address.