1 source-destination principle, Source-destination principle, 6i/o terminals – Lenze 8400 BaseLine D User Manual

Page 116: Ssolndwlrq

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I/O terminals


User-defined terminal assignment


Lenze · 8400 BaseLine D · Reference manual · DMS 5.5 EN · 01/2014 · TD05

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Source-destination principle

The I/O configuration of the input and output signals is carried out according to the source/desti-

nation principle:

• A connection always has a direction and therefore always has a source and a target.
• The input signals of the application are logically linked via configuration parameters to the out-

put signals of system blocks which represent the device input terminals.

• The inputs of system blocks that represent the device output terminals are logically to output

signals of the application via configuration parameters.

The following graphic illustrates the source/destination principle:


Source-destination principle

Note the following:

• A device input terminal can be logically linked to several inputs of the application.
• Each input of the application can only be logically linked to one input signal.
• An output of the application can be logically linked to several device output terminals.














