ETC Cobalt Family v7.0.0 User Manual
Page 705

Loop Time
This time equals how long it takes all the parts to run through the effect once. If you lengthen this
time, you will impose a gap before the next pass through the effect begins. If you shorten this time,
you will cause the next pass to start before the first pass is completed.
Use this value to scale the whole timing scheme faster or slower. Tapping the wheel key will adjust
the timing of the effect to match your tapped in rate. Fade times will scale appropriately when you use
The Entry mode decides how channels will enter into the effect.
Step Time
The tempo of the effect - this time determines when each step will be executed..
Attack Time
The fade time of the associated step or individual piece of content..
Sustain & Release times (Break mode only)
This time determines how long a step remains active before starting the release to the background
state. If a break mode effect has more than one active step, each step may execute a sustain and release
to the background only if the step time is greater than the combined attack+sustain+decay times of the
step, otherwise you will only see attack times executed until the last active step.