ETC Cobalt Family v7.0.0 User Manual
Page 238

When more than one device is selected, all parameters are displayed for all
selected devices. You can use Next/Last to access individual parameters
within the current selection.
Channels - Next & Last Mode
Parameters tabs: All, Focus, Color, Beam, U1, U2, U3
The F/C/B and U1-U3 tabs mimic the mapping of the physical encoders on Cobalt consoles, but can
display all of the parameters in a category on one screen simultaneously. The F/C/B tabs display
parameters assigned to each of those categories and the U1-U3 pages show parameters in a user
defined order.
Device Control - U1-U2-U3
The All tab shows all the raw parameters of the selected device(s) or effect playbacks in one screen
simultaneously, grouped by parameter category.
Virtual controls tabs: ColorMixer and GelPicker
The Color Mixer tab includes controls that are routed through a generic Hue-Saturation color space so
that devices with differing color mixing systems can be controlled simultaneously, or so that fixtures
with color systems including more than RGB or CMY can be controlled more easily.
The color wheel indicates the current setting of the selected device channel or the first channel in a
grouping. Some of the fixture templates within the Cobalt library also include color calibration data.
In this case, a black line is drawn on the color wheel when that device is selected. This line indicates
the valid color space for the fixture type. Colors outside of the black line are not achievable by the
color mixing system of that device.
The Hue and Saturation controls will move the dot in the color wheel either around the wheel from
one color to the next (Hue) or along the radius of the wheel where the dot is currently located