ETC Cobalt Family v7.0.0 User Manual

Page 1033

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Action Macro

Executes the Action Macro in

For example:

/actionmacro GO PB
If you are sending from Max, make sure that the whole command is sent as one string parameter,
using “” around it when necessary.

Transmit - OSC Output

OSC output can be transmitted from an Action Macro, or from a template. In addition, sequence texts
and master levels are transmitted to remote devices - see

Receive - OSC Input


To transmit OSC commands you have to activate transmittion of OSC and select a port (default 8000)
and IP address(es) of the devices to send to in

Play Settings - Show Control


Action Macro OSC
The parameter names need to have this format:

OSC /oscaddress %x min max.

oscaddress is the address used on OSC, like /masters/fader/1
x is either “i" to send as an integer parameter or “f” to send as a float parameter


Cobalt Action Macros


Template OSC
It is possible to define any parameter in a template to send optional OSC data. In the Template editor,
there is now a new column called OSC. It will open a dialog where OSC parameters can be defined.
Scaling through Max value is supported.