ETC Cobalt Family v7.0.0 User Manual
Page 147

Parts are translated to Channel Times. Strand consoles can store channels and values overlapping in
Part cues in a way so sometimes it isn’t possible to translate this properly to Channel Times. Strand
consoles can store attribute information in the Parts. This is not supported on the Cobalt side.
Since a Cobalt Palette cannot store intensity values, a Strand group that gets
converted to an All Palette will lose its intensity information.
In the Strand system, intensities in a preset can also reference a group. This is
currently not supported in Cobalt. All such values will be set to 99% to
indicate that they have to be updated manually.
Import from - Avab VLC Safari
Most data from a Safari VLC play 3.5 or higher in ASCII format can be imported into Cobalt. See
local manual for export instructions to this format.
• Indexed parameter numbers (like Shutters) are remapped to new Cobalt parameter numbers
to preserve the corresponding data.
• Palette references in sequences are handled.
• Scroller Roll references in Palettes are handled.
These are ASCII Safari show file reading improvements in 6.3
• Additional palette types (4 and 5) are merged into Beam palettes. Note: If there is a
corresponding Beam palette, its existing name will be kept. If there is no corresponding beam
palette, the VLC palette name will be used.
• Sequences above 1 are read.
• VLC Effects are translated to Chase Sequences with numbers offset by 10 (similar to Presto
Due to some difference in play structure some play data may not be
Import from - Avab Expert
Expert plays can be read directly from a floppy drive or as ASCII plays from a USB, See local manual
for export instructions to this format.
The way Expert plays are read has changed completely to be able to read more data. Using an external
utility, the Expert binary file format is translated into ASCII Light Cues and opened just like any other
• Loading an Expert play is done from Browser >File >Open. When a diskette with an
Expert.pla file is detected, you get the option of converting it when you double click on it.