ETC Cobalt Family v7.0.0 User Manual
Page 166

from happening). If this occurs, it will result in unstable conditions and possibly result in network
communications failures.
• Enable - Clicking in the enable box will start the DHCP server in the Cobalt console. It will
use the settings below to determine which IP addresses it gives out.
• Fist IP Address - This sets the starting IP address for the range of IP addresses that the
DHCP server will hand out.
• Number of Addresses - This sets how many IP addresses the DHCP server will give out. A
setting of 500 means it will give out IP addresses to the first 500 devices that ask for an IP
• Subnet Mask - This sets the logical network size vs. the device address. ETC’s default is (class B). This is the subnet mask that the DHCP server will give to
network devices.
• Routed - This specifies the IP address of a router if one is present on your network. This is
the gateway IP address that the DHCP server will send to network devices to use. If you are
on a flat or non-routed network, the Gateway IP address should match the IP address of the
device. In order to configure this DHCP server to send out matching gateway IP addresses,
configure this gateway IP address to
match the First Address field. Then the DHCP server will give out a gateway IP address that
matches the IP address.
• Learn Network Devices - Record the current IP addresses of connected network devices.
Use this to ensure DHCP-assigned devices keep the same IP address when they next request
an IP.
Network - Update Service
• Update Service (TFTP)
Clicking in the enable box will start the TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) server.
• Update File Path - This sets the directory where network device firmware files are to be
served through TFTP. This must be the full path to the directory, including internal drive
letter. The default is: C:\etc\nodesbin