Downloading a management software image using tftp, Example – Allied Telesis AT-S39 User Manual

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AT-S39 User’s Guide


Downloading a Management Software Image Using TFTP

The AT-S39 software comes with TFTP server software. If your network is
using the TCP/IP protocol and if there is a workstation on your network
with TFTP client software, you can use the client software to download
the following files onto the switch:

❑ A new AT-S39 software image

❑ A new boot loader file

❑ A configuration file

TFTP software is available from various sources and is included in SNMPc
which is can be purchased through Allied Telesyn. A command line
version is included in most UNIX variants and in Windows NT. Please
consult the documentation or the manufacturer of the software used on
the proper use of the software.

You need to provide the following information when using the TFTP
client software to download a file:

Host - This is the IP address of the AT-8024 or AT-8024GB switch to
which you are downloading the new software image.

Binary - You must specify binary mode for the file transfer.

Put - The Put command is used to download a new software image file
to the switch.

Source file - The path and filename of the file that is to be downloaded
onto the switch. The filename must be one of the following:

❑ “ATS39.img” for a new software image

❑ “ATS39.ldr for a new boot loader

❑ “ATS39.cfg for a configuration file


The filename of the software image, loader file, or configuration file
to be downloaded onto the switch must match the corresponding
filename above. This may necessitate renaming the file.


The following example downloads a new management software image
onto a switch with an IP address of

tftp -i put c:\ats39.img