Notification – HP VMA-series Memory Arrays User Manual
Page 75

HP VMA SAN Gateway User’s Guide
Go to the Web Configurations panel, and specify the following options:
Auto Logout Timeout (secs)
—Enables automatic logout and disconnect of the Web Interface
connection to the HP SAN Gateway cluster after a specified period of inactivity. The default auto
logout timeout is 9000 seconds (15 minutes).
Enable HTTP
—Enables (or disables) HTTP on the specified port.
—Port 80 is the default. Change this to a different free and unused port to access the
HP VMA Web Interface in the following format:
Enable HTTPS
—Enables (or disables) HTTPS on the specified port.
—The default is 443. Change it to another available port as described in HTTP Port
setting above.
Web Session Renewal (secs)
—Time in seconds before the HP VMA Web Interface session
cookie expires.
Web Session Timeout (secs)
—Time in seconds before the HP VMA Web Interface session
cookie times out.
Click Apply to save the configurations, or Cancel to return to the previous settings.
Web Interface notifications provide a means of delivering messages to a set of recipients when an
event or alert occurs. For example, an e-mail can be sent to the administrator when the chassis
internal temperature exceeds a specified threshold.
The Notification function allows you to manage the following:
Call Home
Email Settings
Email Events
SNMP Settings
SNMP Events