HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

Page 644

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to Active Directory on the target. If you are using Active Directory, enable this
option or you may experience problems with failover.

8. Failback Hostname returns the host SPN on the source and target back to their

original settings on failback. If you are using Active Directory, enable this option or
you may experience problems with failback.

9. If you are failing over or failing back hostnames, you need to specify an Active

Directory user that has update privileges within Active Directory. Click Credentials
and identify a user and the associated password that has privileges to create and
delete SPNs. The username must be in the format fully_qualified_domain\user.
The Active Directory account password cannot be blank. Click OK to return to the
Monitor Settings dialog box.

At this point, in terms of your evaluation, your failover configuration is complete because
you will be using the default settings for the remaining options. But while you are
viewing the Monitor Settings dialog box, notice the flexible configuration options
available to you.