HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual
Page 334

Workload protection
Page 333 of 677
GeoCluster Replicated Disk properties on Windows 2008
There are eight properties tabs for the GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource on
Windows 2008.
1. General—This tab identifies the Name and Resource type of the resource. It also
displays the current state of the resource and an additional detailed status
2. Dependencies—By default, the GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource is not
dependent on any other resources.
3. Policies—This tab controls how and when MSCS handles a failure of the
resource. For more information on Policies options, see your Windows
If resource fails, do no restart—Select this option if you do not want cluster
service to restart the resource if it fails.
If resource fails, attempt restart on current node—Select this option if you
want cluster service to restart the resource if it fails. Specify the length of time
to attempt restarts and the number of restarts to attempt during that period of
If restart is unsuccessful, fail over all resources in this service or
application—If this option is enabled, the failure of the group will cause the
resource to move to another node. If this option is disabled, the failure of the
resource will not cause the resource to move to another node.
If all the restart attempts fail, begin restarting again after the specified
period—If this option is enabled, the cluster will delay the length of time
specified before trying to restart the resource again.
Pending timeout—This value determines how long the resource is allowed
to remain in a pending state before it fails. If the resource takes longer than
the time specified to be brought online or taken offline, the resource fails.
4. Advanced Policies—This tab controls resource specific settings. For more
information on Advanced Policies options, see your Windows documentation.
Possible owners—All nodes of the cluster are listed. Select or deselect the
nodes that you want to be possible owners.
If you add additional owners, the GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource
will connect the resource’s replication set to the new owners and begin
a mirror to each.
If you remove owners, the GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource will
disconnect the resource’s replication set from each owner removed.