Edit segment – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Recon-Nomad Reference Manual User Manual

Page 416

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


Remove : removes the selected segment and automatically joins the

previous segments to the following segments.

Note: When a segment is removed the existing segments toward the
centerline will not change. Only those on the side of the removed
segment away from the centerline are adjusted.

Edit Segment

Roads Edit Templates Edit… Insert…



Roads Edit Templates Edit… Edit…



Roads Edit Templates New… Insert…


The Edit Segment screen is identical to the New Template screen and

is used to create a new template or edit an existing one.
Segment Name: is the name for the segment. A name

is required, but it does not have to be unique.
Horizontal Dist: is the horizontal length of the offset
Slope / V Offset: is the slope of the segment, or the

vertical length, respectively. When defining a vertical
offset, select the ~D if the segment travels downward, or
select ~U if the segment travels upward from the point
of view of the centerline.

Note: A segment with a negative slope will result in
water that flows from the centerline toward the road