Stake dtm – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Recon-Nomad Reference Manual User Manual

Page 333

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Stake DTM

Stakeout Stake DTM


The Stake DTM routine allows you to stake an area and get cut/fill
information between the point being staked and a reference DTM

surface at the same horizontal coordinates. You can also obtain
volume information between the surface being staked and a specified

reference elevation or the reference DTM surface.
The reference DTM surface can be defined by a layer in the current
job or a file loaded on the data collector. Either a DXF file containing

a triangulated irregular network (TIN) or a digital terrain model

(DTM) file can be used.

Consult the User’s manual for more information.

Note: The speed performance of the Stake DTM routine is enhanced
when using a DTM file as opposed to a DXF file.

DTM Source: is where you select your reference DTM
surface. If using a layer, toggle the button to Layer
and then select the layer from the dropdown list. If using
a DTM or DXF file, toggle the button to File and then
tap the power button and Browse then select the
appropriate file.

Warning: If importing a DXF or DTM file where the

distance units in the source file are different than the
distance units for the current job, the imported

coordinates will be converted to the current job’s distance
units when they are imported. This is normally the

desired result, but it can cause a problem if the distance

units for the imported data or the current job were set
incorrectly. This situation can most commonly occur

when working with International Feet and US Survey Feet, where

the conversion from one to the other is not always obvious.