Slope staking – screen five – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Recon-Nomad Reference Manual User Manual

Page 310

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


Automatic Slope : selects the slope that is nearest to the

current rod position.

Force CUT Slope : forces all computations to be based on a

cut slope.

Force FILL Slope : forces all computations to be based on a

fill slope.

Topo SS… : will store the last shot taken as a side shot.

HR: is the rod height.

: opens the Smart Target options (Page R-457).

< Back : returns to the previous screen.

Store > : opens the next screen.

Slope Staking – Screen Five

The fifth screen is used to store a point for the last shot taken from
the previous screen, which should be located at the catch point.
Point Name: is the name assigned to the stored point.
Description: is the description assigned to the stored

Results : This will display the following additional cut,

fill, and location information:

• Type of slope (e.g. left/right, cut/fill)
• Design and observed slope ratios (run

over rise)

• Design and actual stations
• HD and Cut/Fill to Hinge Point
• HD and Cut/Fill to Center Line
• If applicable, HD and Cut/Fill to Edge of Pavement

and Edge of Curb

• Name of segment and HD and Cut/Fill to that

segment extremity (Road Slope Stake only)