Nematron Pointe Controller User Manual

Page 337

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Pointe Controller User Guide

Appendix B: Flow Chart Command Reference


NOTE: This command works only with the

OL3850 operator panel


Parameters for this command include:

Message Line – Which line of the operator panel that will be used to
display the message. The top line is 1, the bottom line is 2.

The value of Message Line may be an Input/Memory/Output tag, a literal
numeric value, or some other logical expression that is evaluated every
time the block is executed.

To configure the Message Line parameter, click the

button to open a


Build Argument


Message – The text of the message, as specified in the Build Argument
dialog. Carets “^” must be included in the message text as a place holders
for the data entry field. A typical message may be ‘Enter value: ^^^^^^^’,
allowing up to seven digits to be entered.

The value of Message may be a String tag, a literal string enclosed in
single quotes (‘ ’), or some other logical expression that is evaluated every
time the block is executed.

To configure the Message parameter, click the

button to open a


Build String Argument


Minimum Value – The minimum possible value that can be entered. If
the user presses and holds the down arrow, the entry field will stop
decrementing at this value.

The value of Minimum Value may be an Input/Memory/Output tag, a
literal numeric value, or some other logical expression that is evaluated
every time the block is executed.

To configure the Minimum Value parameter, click the

button to open

a standard

Build Argument


Maximum Value – The maximum possible value that can be entered. If
the user presses and holds the up arrow, the entry field will stop
incrementing at this value.

The value of Maximum Value may be an Input/Memory/Output tag, a
literal numeric value, or some other logical expression that is evaluated
every time the block is executed.

To configure the Maximum Value parameter, click the

button to open

a standard

Build Argument


Initial Value – The initial value that is displayed in the entry field. It can
be any integer or real number, as specified in the Build Argument dialog.
The value entered by the user overwrites this value.

The value of Initial Value may be an Input/Memory/Output tag, a literal
numeric value, or some other logical expression that is evaluated every
time the block is executed.