Nematron Pointe Controller User Manual

Page 265

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Pointe Controller User Guide

Appendix A: OptiLogic Technical Specifications


NOTE: If you use the Hardware Enable option, then you must also have
the Enable bit set (see below). If you do not, the channel cannot count.

Hardware Reset – Option to use value received on the Hardware Reset
input (Input 2 for Channel 1, Input 3 for Channel 2) to determine when
the channel resets the counter to 0.


If Disabled (default), then the Hardware Reset input can be

used as a generic DC input and will not have any effect on the


If Enabled, then the value received on the Hardware Reset input

controls the corresponding channel’s behavior: a value of ON
resets the counter to 0, while a value of OFF resumes counting
as normal.

To configure Hardware Reset, click the

to the right and select an

option (Disabled or Enabled) from the pop-up menu.

Counter Value – The 32-bit Unsigned Input tag (%IUD) to which the

channel’s actual counter total is written.

To configure Counter Value, click the

to the right and select a tag from

the pop-up menu. Each tag can be used only once.

Enable – Bit to enable and disable the counter from within the project.
This bit takes precedence over the Hardware Enable input (above). When
the bit is ON, the counter is enabled. When the bit is OFF, the counter is
disabled. Mapped to an Output Bit tag (%QX).

To configure Enable, click the

to the right and select a tag from the

pop-up menu. Each tag can be used only once.

Reset – Bit to reset and resume the counter from within the project. This
bit takes precedence over the Hardware Reset input (above). When the
bit is ON, the counter is reset. When the bit is OFF, the counter is
resumed. Mapped to an Output Bit tag (%QX).

To configure Reset, click the

to the right and select a tag from the pop-

up menu. Each tag can be used only once.

When you have finished configuring the module, click OK to save your changes
and close the window.