Continuing execution after a breakpoint, 7 continuing execution after a breakpoint – Nematron Pointe Controller User Manual
Page 213
Pointe Controller User Guide
Chapter 7: Monitoring and Debugging
within the executing OpenControl project. Selecting the tool activates the
Breakpoint List dialog. This dialog will float on top of all OpenControl runtime
windows, so selecting another debugger window or the OC Monitor will not hide
the breakpoint list. An example breakpoint list is shown below:
Each breakpoint in the list shows the name of the chart (followed by the subchart
name for breakpoints in
) and the coordinates of the affected block.
Double-clicking on a listed breakpoint will open the chart in which the
breakpoint is set.
7.3.7 Continuing Execution after a Breakpoint
Once a
is reached, all logic flow in the chart containing the
breakpoint stops. Execution of the chart can be resumed by clicking the Go
tool and it continues normally until the next breakpoint is reached.
NOTE: By default, all other charts and I/O in a project continue to scan while one
chart is stopped on a breakpoint. For more information, see “
Enabling logic flow
in a chart
” on page 208
Single Step
Another option is to execute a single block, or “step, by selecting the
Single Step tool. Clicking this tool places a temporary breakpoint on the
next block to execute and then runs only to that block. The temporary breakpoint
is cleared when reached and it does not appear in the breakpoint list.
You can click the Single Step tool repeatedly to continue “stepping through
chart, one block at a time.
NOTE: In Ladder Diagrams, branches are executed according to a special ordering
algorithm. For example: