Subchart block, 6 subchart block – Nematron Pointe Controller User Manual
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Pointe Controller User Guide
Chapter 5: Developing Controller Programs
5.7.6 Subchart Block
A Subchart block makes a call to a
defined subchart
, analogous to a call to a
subroutine in a programming language. When
program flow reaches a Subchart block, the chart
transfers program flow to the Start block in the
called subchart. Program flow continues from that
point until reaching a Return block. Control then
returns to the calling (main) chart and proceeds
with the block immediately following the original
Subchart block. You can nest Subchart calls; a main chart may call a subchart,
which can in turn call another subchart, etc.
User label for the block.
Call Chart
Name of the subchart to call.
Arguments to pass.
Local Vars
Variables local to the subchart.
Subchart Arguments
When calling a function chart, you must assign tag references to the called chart’s
internal tags. To assign these values, pass arguments from the calling chart’s
subchart block to the called chart (specified by CallChart):
1. Add or select a Subchart block.
2. In the Block Properties box, select a chart from the CallChart drop-down
list. After you select a chart, the properties appear in the Block Properties
3. Press the logic statement button for each property to build the arguments
that are passed from the calling chart’s subchart block to the called
subchart. For internal references, you can assign a value or reference any
4. Access the local variables that are to be used within the subchart. The
local variables are not accessible from other charts.