Fc51 - manual set constant, General description, Utilization – Micromod RetroPAK: SLC Configuration Manual User Manual
Page 287: Function code 51- manual set constant
Function Code 51- Manual Set Constant
The output of the Manual Set Constant or the Signal Generator is an analog signal
developed within the function that is equal to
output value in engineering units.
The MOD 30ML/MODCELL compound FC51 used here has a function block namely
the Expression block.
FC51 Compound
The Expression block used in this compound has one input named S1 configured as a
floating point. The result of the expression is configured as S1. The data type of the result
is configured as floating point.
This block also allows selection of the data type for the manual set constant compared to
only the analog type in the Bailey Function code 51. There are 10 allowed data types for
the expression block inputs. They are:
Data Type
Allowed Values
0 or 1
Short State
0 - 15
Long State
0 - 255
0 - 65535
Year (0 – 99), Month (0 – 12), Day (0 – 31)
Floating Point
IEEE Single precision floating point
Millisecond time
Format: hh:mm:ss.xxx (xxx in millisecond)
Hex Hexadecimal
Momentary discrete
0 or 1
51 - 1