Micromod RetroPAK: SLC Configuration Manual User Manual
Page 144
Command Series Migration to MOD 30ML
Pre-configured Single Loop PID with Remote SP
Auto Bias: Bias value of remote setpoint is automatically manipulated to balance
transitions to remote. Remote setpoint bias input must be NONE.
Auto Ratio: Ratio value of remote setpoint is automatically manipulated to balance
transitions to remote. Remote setpoint ratio input must be NONE.
Remote setpoint bias input (RSPBI): The remote setpoint bias input is added to the
remote setpoint input when the setpoint mode is REMOTE. This may be an external
connection or internal value.
Remote setpoint ratio input (RSPRI): The remote setpoint ratio input is multiplied
against the remote setpoint input when the setpoint mode is REMOTE. This may be an
external connection or internal value.
Notice that the only setpoint mode allowed is REMOTE:
PID with Remote
P3 - 18