2 ac power, 2 current / voltage input to ani0 and ani1, 3 contact input to cci0 – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL5100A Single Loop Controller User Manual
Page 22: 4 current output from ano0, 5 contact output cco0

Single Loop Process Controller Instruction Manual
14 Installation AC Power
and connect the specified line service (110-120, 220-240 V ac, 50 or 60 Hz) to the
controller, as follows:
Connect the phase or hot line L, via a remote power disconnect switch or circuit breaker, to
terminal L1.
Connect the neutral line N to terminal L2 for 110-120 V ac. Connect the neutral line N to
terminal L3 for 220-240 V ac.
Connect Power Common to a good earth ground (#12 AWG wire is recommended).
The instrument case should be grounded by connecting terminal G to earth ground at the
source of supply (green/green-yellow ground).
5. Current / Voltage Input to ANI0 and ANI1
When the input signal is from a 4-20 mA current transmitter, a precision 250 ohms (± 0.1%) resistor is
required. (The resistor tolerance is critical, as the resistor is used to accurately convert the current signal
from the transmitter, which is typically 4-20 mA, to a specified analog input voltage of 1 to 5 V dc). The
back of the rear terminal board has the appropriate resistors (R1 and R2, respectively ) for ANI0 and ANI1.
If the input signal is already a voltage signal, its corresponding resistor should be removed. Contact Input to CCI0
A separate contact input signal to CCI0 can be used for remote enabling of the setpoint, computer control,
or auto control depending on the controller mode of operation. One side of each remote contact must be
connected to power common as illustrated in
. Minimum opened or closed recognition time for
the remote contact must be 0.05 seconds. Current Output From ANO0
A current output signal is available for transmission to the process final control element. The current output
signal, 4 to 20 mA, will vary in direct proportion to the process variable being displayed, e.g., volumetric
flow rate, mass flow rate, operating pressure, etc.
Observe proper polarity when connecting the controller to the remote analog instrument. Contact Output CCO0
A discrete contact output (CCO0) is identified in
. The discrete output is a solid state switch with
a rating of 30 V dc, 50 mA maximum. It is referenced to power common.
✎ Note
Use of a common bus bar is recommended to minimize potential
voltage differences that may occur as the result of ground current
loops, e.g., potential difference between separate signal grounds,
power grounds, etc.
✎ Notes
All supply connections include surge protection rated at 275 V ac
normal mode.
To minimize possible interference, ac power wiring should be routed
away from signal wiring.