Matrox MXO2 PCIe Host Adapter User Manual
Page 124

Chapter 8, Using Matrox MXO2 with Adobe Premiere Pro
00:00:19:25 (five frames before your specified Out point), then you need to
set the
Mark Out Time Code Offset
to 5.
Once you’ve made any required adjustments to the Mark In and Out time
code offsets and ensured that your bars and tone clip starts and stops
recording at your specified In and Out points, perform another export to tape
with the In point for the recording set to 00:00:30:00.
When the export to tape is finished, go to 00:00:30:00 on your tape, and
check which frame from your sequence has been recorded. You should see
frame 00:00:00:00 from your bars and tone clip at 00:00:30:00 on your tape,
with no repeated frames. For example, if frame 00:00:00:00 has been
repeated for the next five frames, then your sequence started playing back
five frames too early and you need to set the
Playback Offset
to 5.
Alternately, if you see frame 00:00:00:05 from your bars and tone clip
recorded at 00:00:30:00, then the sequence playback started five frames too
late and you need to set the
Playback Offset
to -5.