Deleting data, Deleting data 259 – IntelliTrack Stockroom Inventory User Manual
Page 287

Chapter 15
CE Data Transfer
The records collected for any new locations appear in the record details
portion of the form.
To filter the uploaded data by new items, click the drop-down arrow in
the Filter field and select New Items from the list that appears. The
records collected for any new items appear in the record details portion
of the form.
Deleting Data
Transferred records stored in the Upload Processing tab may be deleted
before processing one line at a time.
Select the record that you want to delete; or if you want to delete multi-
ple records, select multiple items to delete by using the Shift-Click and
CTRL-click key combinations on the keyboard as you select the
Next, click the Delete button found along the bottom of the form. A
dialog box appears asking you if you are sure you want to delete this
record. To close the message box and continue deleting the data, click
the Yes button. (Clicking the No button will close the dialog box and
cancel deleting the data.)
The selected record(s) are deleted from the record detail portion of the
form. Page 259 Thursday, July 9, 2009 2:35 PM