Exponential and logarithmic functions – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
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ExamView Test Generator
double frac(double x)
Returns the fractional part of the argument, x. The return value will always be greater than
or equal to 0 and less than 1.
int int(double x)
Returns the integer portion of the argument, x. If x is positive, it rounds down. If x is
negative, it rounds up.
double inv(double x)
Returns the inverse of the argument, x. Actual function is 1 / x. Arguments to the function
must not be equal to zero.
double max(double x, double y)
Returns the larger of two values.
double min(double x, double y)
Returns the smaller of two values.
int rand(int x)
Returns a pseudo-random number in the range 1 to the argument, x, inclusive.
int sgn(double x)
If the argument, x, is less than zero, this function returns -1. If the argument, x, is greater
than zero, this function returns 1. Otherwise it returns zero.
double sqr(double x)
Computes the positive square root of the argument, x. The argument must be greater than
or equal to zero.
double sqrt(double x)
Computes the positive square root of the argument, x. The argument must be greater than
or equal to zero.
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
ExamView Test Generator provides you with numerous pre-defined exponential and logarithmic functions to use when defining
variables, conditions, and user-defined functions.
double exp(double x)
Calculates the exponential e to the x.
double ln(double x)
Calculates the natural log of the argument, x. Arguments to the function must be greater
than zero.
double log(double x)
Calculates the natural log of the argument, x. Arguments to the function must be greater
than zero.