Shapes – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual

Page 138

background image

ExamView Test Generator



Most of the time when you are adding a picture or a shape to a cartesian graph, you will want
to clear the axes, background, and labels. With the Format Graph – Cartesian window open,
switch to the Axes tab and click Clear.


Click the Functions tab, select Picture from the drop-down menu and click New.


Click Select, navigate to the location of the picture, select it and click Open.

The default picture type is bitmap (BMP). Click the List files of type box and choose the type of picture files you want
to insert. The program supports the following formats: bitmap (BMP), jpeg (JPG), TIFF, and Mac PICT (PCT)


Pictures inserted into a graph are required to be monochrome (black and white) or 16 color
(default PC palette). If a picture is inserted that requires more colors, it will have its colors
reduced to 16. It is recommended that only black and white pictures be added to graphs.


Enter the left x and top y coordinates for the picture or shape.


Enter the width and height of the shape.


Variables can be used for the picture name, or as values for left x, top y, width, and height.


To have the program maintain the original aspect ratio of the picture (ratio between the width of the picture and the
height). If you turn this option off, you can size the picture to have any aspect ratio you want.


To display the picture only if a certain condition is met, enter the condition in the field following Display picture (only if


Click Apply to view your changes in the editing window or click OK to record your changes and close the New Picture

There is a preview to see how the picture or shape will look in the graph.


Shapes can be added to a Cartesian graph. Over 20 shapes are
available. The following shows a Cartesian graph with the axes,
background, and labels cleared and with a shape named prism
added to the graph.


Insert a Cartesian graph into a question, answer, matching
group, rationale, feedback, or narrative.

To edit an existing graph, double-click the graph or click
Format from the menu bar and select Format Graph.