Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
Page 123

ExamView Test Generator
double sdev(list data)
Returns the standard deviation of the data values in the list. Data values are assumed to be the entire population (not a sample).
Result is the square root of the population variance. (see variance).
double sec(double x)
Computes the secant of the argument, x. The angle is specified in radians.
double sech(double x)
Computes the hyperbolic secant of the argument, x. This evaluates to 1 / cosh(x).
string sentence(string
Changes string argument, x, into a sentence that can be subdivided using the choose function. This allows us to create a sentence
that can word wrap.
sentence("This is a long sentence that might need to wrap.")
choose(3, mySentence)
to access the 3rd tenth of the variable mySentence.
string sfracs(double
numer, double denom)
After reducing the fraction numer / denom, this function will return a string as either a whole number, or a fraction in the form
"numer/denom". When displayed, this function will draw a small stacked fraction if necessary. If denom is 0, the function will return
sfracs(22, 6)
will return
sfracs(22, 11)
will return 2
int sgn(double x)
If the argument, x, is less than zero, this function returns -1. If the argument, x, is greater than zero, this function returns 1.
Otherwise it returns zero.
string sgns(double x)
If the argument, x, is less than zero, this function returns "-". Otherwise it returns "+".