Pie chart – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual

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ExamView Test Generator



Most of the time when you are adding a picture or a shape to a Cartesian graph, you will want
to clear the axes, background, and labels. With the Format Graph – Cartesian window open,
switch to the Axes tab and click Clear.


Click the Functions tab, select Shape from the drop-down menu and click New.


Select a shape from the drop-down menu or enter the name of the shape to display on the graph. The shape will be
drawn in the preview window.


Enter the left x and top y coordinates for the shape.


Enter the width and height of the shape.


Variables can be used for the values for left x, top y, width, and height.


To display the picture only if a certain condition is met, enter the condition in the field following Display picture (only if


Select a pattern, color, and shading style for the shape.


There is a preview to see how the shape will look in the graph. Click Apply to view your changes in the editing window
or click OK to record your changes and close the New Shape window.

Pie Chart


Insert a Cartesian graph into a question, answer, matching group, rationale,
feedback, or narrative.To edit an existing graph, double-click the graph or
click Format from the menu bar and select Format Graph.


Click the Functions tab, select Pie Chart from the drop-down menu and
click New.


Enter a value for the left x, top y, width, and height.


Variables can be used as values for the left x, top y, width,
height, degrees, label, explode distance, starting angle, gap,
and pie height.


For each pie slice, enter a size (in degrees). Any slices beyond 360 degrees are not drawn on the screen.


Optionally, enter a label and explode distance for any/all of your pie slices. Labels appear to the right of the pie chart. If
you enter labels, be sure to set the pie chart width to an amount wide enough that the labels appear.


Invalid entries may cause your pie chart to not display. For example, keep the explode
distance to a small number. A large explode distance will cause your pie to be so small that it
cannot be seen.


Optionally, change the line pattern, line color, face shading, and face color. With the default settings, each slice will
have a different face color.