Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual

Page 119

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ExamView Test Generator




list makelist(int

numValues, double


double lowerQuartile,

double median,

double upperQuartile,

double upperExtreme,

Boolean sortData)

Use this function to create a "list" container to hold a group of data with numValues data, and the range, median, and interquartile
ranges assigned. Pass TRUE if you want the data elements to be arranged in ascending order. Pass -1 for either extreme, either
quartile, or the median if you do not require them to be specific values.


makelist(3, 5, -1, 8, -1, 9, TRUE)

will return "5, 8, 9"

Both quartile values must be supplied to the makelist() function. If either one is not, they are both

double max(double x,

double y)

Returns the larger of two values.

double mean(list data)

Returns the arithmetic mean (or average) of the data in the list.

double median(list


Returns the middle value of the data in the list if the number of elements in the list is odd, or the average of the two middle terms if
the number of elements is even.

string mid(string x,

int start, int y)

Returns y characters starting at the start position in the string argument, x.


mid("ExamView", 2, 4)

will return "xamV"

double min(double x,

double y)

Returns the smaller of two values.

string mixfracs(double

numer, double denom)

After reducing the fraction numer / denom, this function will return a string as either a whole number, or a fraction in the form
"whole/numer/denom". When displayed, this function will draw a stacked fraction if necessary. If denom is 0, the function will
return "0".


mixfracs(22, 6)

will return

mixfracs(2, 6)

will return