Specific to the blackboard 6.0 - 7.0 format only – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual

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ExamView Test Generator



Blackboard does not support the concept of a narrative (a common piece of information shared by multiple questions).
During export to Blackboard, ExamView copies the content of each narrative to every question that refers to the


Each Matching question must have an answer choice. ExamView supports Matching questions that contain a picture or
other content in place of individual answer choices. In this case, ExamView automatically creates choices named
"choice a", "choice b", etc. for these Matching questions.


An ExamView test may have up to 26 Matching questions, however, Blackboard only
supports up to 20 Matching questions.


Blackboard converts all ExamView tables to the Arial font.


The question pool name does not support special characters such as em-dash or smart-quotes. These characters are
translated to -- or " characters. Other special characters may be deleted.


Once a question pool has been imported into Blackboard, any image files that were imported with the question pool
remain on the Blackboard server even if you delete the question pool. This is a limitation in the current version of
Blackboard. A system administrator with access to the file system can remove the image files by deleting all .jpg files in
the following location:



systems only)

Specific to the Blackboard 6.0 - 7.0 format only:


Blackboard does not support uploading a quiz directly. Instead, you must export a test from ExamView, upload the
questions, then reconstruct the quiz on the Blackboard server after importing the questions. Because of this limitation,
question points do not get imported to Blackboard.


Blackboard does not label Multiple Choice answer choices while ExamView uses the letters "a - e." Answers such as
"both a and b" will be somewhat unclear when imported into Blackboard.


Blackboard does not support question information fields (e.g., difficulty code, reference, keywords, etc.) Consequently,
ExamView does not export the question information. Although Blackboard does allow quiz questions to be assigned
point values, question pool questions do not have point values.