Bimodal – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
Page 17

ExamView Test Generator
Optionally, enter an answer explanation in the Rationale area.
Optionally, click Info and then enter the question information.
Optionally, click Edit from the menu bar and select Add Feedback to add feedback.
Optionally, click the Narrative drop-down menu to link an existing narrative to the question. To enter or edit a
narrative, click Narrative.
Click Record to save the question. Click Close if you do not want to save any changes you made.
Things to keep in mind:
You should limit the size of a question to one page or less.
The default number of choices and columns is set using the Preferences command.
The program does not allow you to resize the answer choice table, delete a row/column in the table, or enter text after
the choices.
To insert a tab character in a cell, press Ctrl+Tab.
You can insert a picture, such as an equation or another image, in a question or in a cell by using the Insert, Picture
command. For best results, use only small images in table cells.
If you reduce the number of answer choices, the program will make sure that the correct answer is moved (if necessary)
to one of the remaining choices.
You can adjust the column layout while viewing a test that includes at least one multiple choice or multiple response
question. Select Adjust Choices/Columns from the Question menu to access this option.
For online tests, you can select whether or not to allow partial credit when a multiple response question is not answered
entirely correctly. To calculate partial credit, ExamView takes the number of correct responses and subtracts the
number of incorrect responses.
Suppose the correct answer to a question is ABC and the question is worth 10 points. If the
student answers ABCD, they will receive 6.67 points. This is calculated by subtracting the 1
incorrect response (D) from the 3 correct responses (ABC) to come up with 2. Since the
correct answer has 3 choices, the student earns 2/3 credit. Two-thirds of 10 points is 6.67.
A bimodal question is a question that can be displayed as either a multiple choice or a short answer question. Bimodal
questions give you more flexibility when building a test. For example, with a single click of the mouse you can increase the
difficulty level of a test by changing all multiple choice questions to short answer.
Select a bimodal question and click Edit, or click New and select Bimodal to create a new question.
If you copied a multiple choice question (including the question and choices) from another
source, you can press F7 (PC) or Cmd+P (Mac) to use the Smart Paste feature rather than
the normal Paste feature, Ctrl+V (PC) or Cmd+V (Mac). ExamView Test Generator
automatically formats the question when it pastes the text into the entry area.