Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual

Page 80

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ExamView Test Generator


When this is true, you will need to decide how to align the slots in the pile (in the above case, there are three). A pile is a group
of slots in the same template (or in the case above, not in any template at all) which were created by pressing the Enter key. In
the above example, Eenter was pressed after the ")" at the end of each of the first two lines.

A pile can be aligned in any of the following ways:


left aligned (default)


center aligned


right aligned


aligned at equals


aligned at decimal point

Until you have multiple slots in the same pile, the alignment changes are not noticeable. If you have inserted a matrix template
you can also set the alignment for the individual cells of the matrix or table.

Style Menu

The equation editor saves you time and effort by making decisions as to which style to use for a particular mathematical
element. You may also use the Style menu to set the style of a particular section of your equation. Although each style listed
below is predefined, you can set the defaults yourself by changing the equation preferences.

The Style menu has the following options:


Math - This is the default style setting. For many equations, you will never need to change this setting. When the default
style is Math, the equation editor will format functions (sin, cos, etc.), variables (x, y, z), greek symbols (a, b, c, A, B,
C), other math symbols (+, -, =), and numbers (0-9) automatically as you type them. With this style, characters are also
spaced out by looking at the context in which they are used.


Text - This is the style you would choose if you need to enter a text phrase in the middle of an equation.


Function - This is the style used automatically for mathematical functions like sin, cos, log, max, etc. If you use a
function that the equation editor does not recognize, you can assign the correct style by highlighting the function name
and choosing Function from the Style menu. The default style for function names is Times New Roman, Regular.


Variable - Likewise, if the equation editor determines that one of the variables that you are using in your equation has
the same name as a common function call, it will assign it the Function style. To override this and keep the appearance
looking like a variable, choose Variable from the Style menu. The default style for a variable is Times New Roman,


Greek - If you set the style to Greek, any alphabetic key (A-Z, a-z) that you key will appear as the corresponding Greek
character. If you cursor around, this mode will be canceled and additional alphabetic characters keyed will appear as
normal. The default style for lowercase Greek characters is Symbol, Italic and for uppercase Greek characters is
Symbol, Regular.


If you want to key just the next character as a Greek character, it is better to use the shortcut


Matrix-Vector - If you set the style to “Matrix-Vector”, any alphabetic key (A-Z, a-z) that you key will appear in Matrix-
vector style (typically bold and non-italic).

Size Menu

The size of text, symbols, and templates in the equation editor are preset. There are five predefined sizes which are referred to
below. You can choose to let the equation editor handle sizing text for you, or you can choose to set the size of a range of text