2 register space, 2 .2 register space -3, 2registerspace – Maxim Integrated MAX31782 User Manual
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MaximIntegrated 2-3
MAX31782 User’s Guide
Revision 0; 8/11
This instruction word format presents the following limitations .
1) There are 32 registers per register module, but only 4 bits are allocated to designate the source register and only 3
bits are allocated to designate the destination register .
2) The source field only provides 8 bits of data for an immediate value; however, a 16-bit immediate value can be
required .
The MAX31782 uses a prefix register (PFX) to address these limitations . The PFX register provides the additional bits
required to access all 32 registers within a module . The PFX register also provides the additional 8 bits of data required
to make a 16-bit immediate data source . The data that is written to the PFX register survives for only one clock cycle .
This means the write to the PFX register must occur immediately prior to the instruction requiring the PFX register . The
PFX register is cleared to zero after one cycle so it does not affect any other instructions . The write to the PFX register is
done automatically by the assembler and requires one additional execution cycle . So, while most instructions execute
in a single cycle, two cycles are needed for instructions that require the PFX register .
The architecture of the MAX31782 is transport-triggered . This means that writing to or reading from certain register
locations also causes side effects to occur . These side effects form the basis of the MAX31782’s higher level op codes,
such as ADDC, OR, and JUMP . While these op codes are actually implemented as MOVE instructions between cer-
tain register locations, the encoding is handled by the assembler and need not be a concern to the programmer . The
unused “empty” locations in the system register modules are used for these higher level op codes .
The instruction set is designed to be highly orthogonal . All arithmetic and logical operations that use two registers can
use any register along with the accumulator . Data can be transferred between any two registers in a single instruction .
The MAX31782 provides a total of 13 register modules broken up into two different groups . These groupings are
descriptive only, as there is no difference between accessing the two register groups from a programming perspective .
The two groups are:
1) Peripheral Registers: These are the lower six modules (Modules 0h through 5h) . The peripheral registers in the
MAX31782 are used for functionalities such as ADC, PWM outputs, tachometer inputs, GPIO, etc . The peripheral
registers are not used to implement op codes .
2) System Registers: These are modules 8h, 9h, and Bh through Fh . The system registers in the MAX31782 are used
to implement higher level op codes as well as the following common system features .
• 16-bit ALU and associated status flags (zero, equals, carry, sign, overflow)
• 16 working accumulator registers, each 16-bit, along with associated control registers
• Instruction pointer
• Registers for interrupt control, handling, and identification
• Auto-decrementing loop counters for fast, compact looping
• Two data pointer registers and a frame pointer for data memory access
Each system register module has 16 registers, while each peripheral register module has 32 registers . The number of
cycles required to access a particular register depends upon the register’s index within the module . The access times
based upon the register index are grouped as follows:
• The first eight registers (index 0h to 7h) in each module can be read from or written to in a single cycle .
• The second eight registers (index 8h to 0Fh) can be read from in a single cycle and written to in two cycles (by using
the PFX register) .
• The last 16 registers (10h to 1Fh) in peripheral register modules can be read or written in two cycles (always requir-
ing use of the PFX register) .