13 stack pointer register (sp, dh[1h]), 14 interrupt vector register (iv, dh[2h]), 15 loop counter 0 register (lc[0], dh[6h]) – Maxim Integrated MAX31782 User Manual
Page 28: 16 loop counter 1 register (lc[1], dh[7h]), 17 frame pointer offset register (offs, eh[3h]), 13stackpointerregister(sp,dh[1h]), 14interruptvectorregister(iv,dh[2h]), 17framepointeroffsetregister(offs,eh[3h])

MaximIntegrated 3-10
MAX31782 User’s Guide
Revision 0; 8/11
Initialization: This register is cleared to 000Fh on all forms of reset .
Access: Unrestricted direct read/write access .
Initialization: This register is cleared to 0000h on all forms of reset .
Access: Unrestricted direct read/write access .
Initialization: This register is cleared to 0000h on all forms of reset .
Access: Unrestricted direct read/write access .
Initialization: This register is cleared to 0000h on all forms of reset .
Access: Unrestricted direct read/write access .
Initialization: This register is cleared to 00h on all forms of reset .
Access: Unrestricted direct read/write access .
SP .[3:0]
These four bits indicate the current top of the hardware stack, from 0h to Fh . This pointer is incremented
after a value is pushed on the stack and decremented before a value is popped from the stack .
SP .[15:4]
Reserved . All reads return 0 .
IV .[15:0]
This register contains the address of the interrupt service routine . The interrupt handler generates a CALL
to this address whenever an interrupt is acknowledged .
LC[0] .[15:0]
This register is used as the loop counter for the DJNZ LC[0], src operation . This operation decrements
LC[0] by one and then jumps to the address specified in the instruction by src .
LC[1] .[15:0]
This register is used as the loop counter for the DJNZ LC[1], src operation . This operation decrements
LC[1] by one and then jumps to the address specified in the instruction by src .
OFFS .[7:0]
This 8-bit register provides the Frame Pointer (FP) offset from the base pointer (BP) . The Frame Pointer is
formed by unsigned addition of Frame Pointer Base register (BP) and Frame Pointer Offset register (OFFS) .
The contents of this register can be postincremented or postdecremented when using the Frame Pointer
for read operations and can be preincremented or predecremented when using the Frame Pointer for write
operations . A carry out or borrow resulting from an increment/decrement operation has no affect on the
Frame Pointer Base register (BP) .