2 conversion sequencing, 3 adc conversion time – Maxim Integrated MAX31782 User Manual
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MaximIntegrated 6-3
MAX31782 User’s Guide
Revision 0; 8/11
The MAX31782 ADC performs a user-defined sequence of up to eight conversions . Each conversion in a sequence
is set up using one of the eight ADC configuration registers . The configuration registers are accessed by writing to
the ADDATA register when ADST .ADCFG = 1 . The configuration register pointed to by ADDATA is selected using the
ADIDX bits in the ADST register . The individual configuration registers allows each of the conversions in a sequence to
select from the following options . For more information, see the
6.2.4 ADC Data and Configuration Register (ADDATA)
description .
• External temperature or voltage conversion
• Full-scale range
• Extended acquisition enable
• ADC conversion data alignment (left or right)
• Differential or single-ended conversion
• ADC channel selection
A sequence is set up in the ADADDR register by defining the starting conversion configuration address (ADSTART) and
an ending conversion configuration address (ADEND) . The configuration start address designates the configuration
register to be used for the first conversion in a sequence . The configuration end address designates the configuration
register used for the last conversion in a sequence . A single channel conversion can be viewed as a special case for
sequence conversion, where the starting and ending configuration address is the same . The configuration registers
can be viewed as a circular register array where ADSTART does not have to be less than ADEND . For example, if
ADSTART = 1 and ADEND = 5, the sequence of conversions would be configurations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . If ADSTART = 5 and
ADEND = 1, the sequence of conversions would be configurations 5, 6, 7, 0, 1 .
The ADC has two conversion sequence modes, single and continuous, which is set by the ADCONT bit . The start
conversion bit (ADCONV) is used to start all conversions . In single sequence mode (ADCONT = 0), ADCONV remains
set until the ADC has finished conversion on the last channel in the sequence . In continuous mode (ADCONT = 1), the
ADCONV bit remains set until the continuous mode is stopped . Writing a 0 to the ADCONV bit stops the ADC operation
at the completion of the current ADC conversion . Writing a 1 to the ADCONV bit when ADCONV bit is already set to 1
is ignored by the ADC controller .
The ADC clock is derived from the system clock with divide ratio defined by ADC clock divider bits (ADCN .
ADCCLK[2:0]) . Each sample takes 17 ADC clock cycles to complete . Three of the 17 ADC clock cycles are used for
sample acquisition, and the remaining 14 clocks are used for data conversion . The ADC automatically reads each mea-
surement twice and outputs the average of the two readings . This makes the resulting time for one complete conversion
34 ADC clock cycles .
Knowing this, it is possible to calculate the fastest ADC sample rate . The fastest ADC clock is:
ADC Clock = Sysclk/16 = 4MHz/16 = 250kHz
One conversion requires 34 ADC clocks:
Sample Rate = ADC Clock/34 Clocks = 250kHz/34 = 7 .353ksps, or 136Fs per sample
The ADC has an internal power management system that automatically shuts down the ADC when conversions are
complete by clearing ADCONV to 0 . After being shut down, the ADC begins conversions again when the ADCONV bit
is set to 1 again . After ADCONV is set to 1, the ADC requires 20 ADCCLK cycles to set up and power-up prior to begin-
ning the first conversion of the sequence .
In applications where extending the acquisition time is desired, the user can make use of the ADC acquisition extension
bits (ADCN .ADACQ[3:0]) . When the ADC acquisition extension is enabled (ADACQEN = 1), the sample is acquired
over a prolonged period . The extended acquisition time is determined by ADACQ[3:0] and the ADC clock divider used .
shows the extended acquisition time in terms of ADC clocks at different ADACQ[3:0] and clock divider set-
tings . The total acquisition time, ACQ, is the extended acquisition time (ADACQ, as listed in
) plus three ADC
clock cycles .
shows the clocking required for one conversion .